Episódio 20: TdC Lab - Líquor


Estreando um novo segmento do nosso podcast, o TdC Lab! Rapha, João, Fred e Pedro discutem sobre Líquor: o que pedir, como interpretá-lo e quais são as pegadinhas que precisamos ficar atentos! Referências: 1- Hasbun R. Cerebrospinal fluid in central nervous system infections. In: Infections of the Central Nervous System, 4th edition, Scheld WM, Whitley RJ, Marra CM (Eds), Lippincott Williams, 2014. p.4. 2- Kimberly Johson Daniel Sexton. Cerebrospinal fluid: Physiology and utility of an examination in disease states UPTODATE 12/2019  3- Nilam J Soni et al. Ultrassound Guidance for Lumbar Puncture. Neurology Clinical Practice 2016 4- Kimberly Johnson, Daniel Sexton Lumbar Puncture: Technique, indications, contraindications, and complications in adults Uptodate 12/2019. 5- Basmaci, Romain, et al. Enteroviral meningitis does not exclude concurrent bacterial meningitis. Journal of clinical microbiology 49.9 (2011): 3442-3443. 6- Bailey, Elizabeth M., Philip Domenico, and Burke A. Cunha. Bacterial or viral meningitis? Measuring lactate in CSF can help you know quickly. Postgraduate medicine 88.5 (1990): 217-223. 7- Huy, Nguyen T., et al. Cerebrospinal fluid lactate concentration to distinguish bacterial from aseptic meningitis: a systemic review and meta-analysis. Critical care 14.6 (2010): R240. 8- Posner, Jerome B., and Fred Plum. Independence of blood and cerebrospinal fluid lactate. Archives of neurology 16.5 (1967): 492-496.