Mais um caso clínico! Dessa vez Iago e Vinicius falando dessa emergência oncológica importantíssima: Neutropenia Febril. Ouviu o caso? Faltou falar alguma coisa? Compartilha com a gente no @tadeclinicagem no instagram e no twitter!
(0:25) apresentação do convidado Dr. Vinicius
(1:47) Início do caso
(2:39) Exame físico
(3:30) Resumo e primeiros comentários
(8:40) Relevância do exame físico completo
(10:12) Quanto a HPP
(10:50) Seguimento do caso
(11:55) O que pesquisar na anamnese
(13:53) Quais exames solicitar
(15:35) Atenção a sepse
(17:10) Resultado dos exames
(18:55) Neutropenia febril - conceitos
(20:39) Voltando para história - outras hipóteses
(22:20) Resumo do caso
(23:10) Cuidados com o paciente com neutropenia febril
(23:53) Score MASCC
(28:12) Score CISNE
(31:40) Fluxograma de internação
(33:10) Outros critérios de alto risco
(34:30) Aplicando os scores no caso clínico
(37:06) Tratamento
(38:50) Quando cobrir gram positivos resistentes
(43:40) Continuação do caso
(43:04) Comentários e condutas
(51:13) Encerramento do caso
(53:37) Resposta ao desafio anterior
(54:26) Desafio da semana
(55:00) Salves.
1) Taplitz, Randy A., et al. "Outpatient management of fever and neutropenia in adults treated for malignancy: American Society of Clinical Oncology and Infectious Diseases Society of America clinical practice guideline update." J Clin Oncol 36.14 (2018): 1443-1453.
2) Coyne, Christopher J., et al. "Application of the MASCC and CISNE risk-stratification scores to identify low-risk febrile neutropenic patients in the emergency department." Annals of emergency medicine 69.6 (2017): 755-764.
3) Aapro, M. S., et al. "2010 update of EORTC guidelines for the use of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor to reduce the incidence of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in adult patients with lymphoproliferative disorders and solid tumours." European journal of cancer 47.1 (2011): 8-32.
4) Rosa, Regis G., and Luciano Z. Goldani. "Cohort study of the impact of time to antibiotic administration on mortality in patients with febrile neutropenia." Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 58.7 (2014): 3799-3803.
5) Braga, Catherine C., Randy A. Taplitz, and Christopher R. Flowers. "Clinical implications of febrile neutropenia guidelines in the Cancer patient population." Journal of oncology practice 15.1 (2019): 25.
6) Klastersky, Jean, et al. "Management of febrile neutropaenia: ESMO clinical practice guidelines." Annals of Oncology 27 (2016): v111-v118.
7) Zimmer, Andrea J., and Alison G. Freifeld. "Optimal management of neutropenic fever in patients with cancer." Journal of oncology practice 15.1 (2019): 19-24 Pereira, André Domingues, et al. "Low Rates of Vancomycin Use in Febrile Neutropenia: A Multicenter Study." (2019): 4755-4755.
8) Peled, Jonathan U., et al. "Microbiota as predictor of mortality in allogeneic hematopoietic-cell transplantation." New England Journal of Medicine 382.9 (2020): 822-834.